Good transfers mean opportunities

 Good transfers mean opportunities

Halifax Transit’s network doesn’t use transfers to open up new trip options. A better network would let people transfer more easily, making transit more convenient and attractive.

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Moving Forward Together Plan: Check-In

Moving Forward Together Plan: Check-In

It has been almost nine years since the first draft of Moving Forward Together Plan (MFTP), a revised transit network. It has been seven and a half years since Council approved MFTP, but Halifax Transit has not finished the MFTP changes. Like too many other projects, the Moving Forward Together Plan is delayed, with no clear end in site.

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Fare Payment – Progress!

Fare Payment – Progress!

It looks like there’s progress on fare payment technology, but questions remain. Let’s make sure we move towards the best options to improve transit.

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How not to build a transfer-based network

How not to build a transfer-based network

Halifax Transit promised a transfer-based network. It failed to deliver on that promise, even by its own criteria.

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Overcrowded buses are a huge problem

Overcrowded buses are a huge problem

Overcrowded buses stink. Lots of riders have to stand. People are packed together, jostling each other when the bus hits bumps.. Getting on or off takes a long time. And when it rains, well, sometimes the buses literally kind of stink. Overcrowded buses are slow and uncomfortable – the opposite of good buses that people want to ride. Halifax Transit has an overcrowding problem. It’s […]

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Halifax Transit: Too Hard to Understand

Halifax Transit: Too Hard to Understand

Why does Halifax Transit provide so little information? Halifax Transit has a big problem: it is way too hard to understand. Look at the bus stop above: The sign tells you none of that critical information. It doesn’t say where the routes go or what direction they are travelling. It doesn’t say when the buses run or how frequently they come. The sign is also […]

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High times with Halifax Transit

High times with Halifax Transit

Over the last few decades, Canadians have made incredible progress reducing drunk driving and the associated carnage. This summer, cannabis will be legalized, and people are warning that this will lead to people driving while high – something that is equally as dangerous as drunk driving. We firmly believe that the best way to limit the negative impacts of impaired driving is to provide high-quality […]

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Alderney ferry schedule changing & simplifying

Alderney ferry schedule changing & simplifying

Earlier this week Halifax Transit officially announced that the Alderney Ferry schedule will change on February 19th. The new schedule has the ferry running every 15 minutes from 7am-8pm, and every 30 minutes from 8pm-11:30pm. The first departure will be at 6:30 from Dartmouth and 6:45 from Halifax, and the last departure at 11:30 from Dartmouth and 11:45pm from Halifax. Service will run every 30 […]

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